
Poplar Ventures, LLC (“Poplar Ventures”) is an investment adviser registered in the state of Kentucky.  All content and material on this web site are the property of Poplar Ventures and are intended solely to provide general information about Poplar Ventures.  The views expressed in any personal social media (including videos, podcasts, and posts) are those of the individuals quoted therein and are not the views of Poplar Ventures.  Nothing is directed at nor should be relied upon by any investors or prospective investors in any pooled investment vehicle managed by Poplar Ventures.  Under no circumstances should any information provided on this website be construed as an offer soliciting the purchase or sale of any security or interest in any pooled investment vehicle related to Poplar Ventures, nor should it be construed as an offer to provide investment advisory services.  Any offer to invest in any pooled investment vehicle will be made separately and only by means of the confidential offering documents of the specific pooled investment vehicles. 

Any investments or portfolio companies mentioned are not representative of all investments in vehicles managed by Poplar Ventures and there can be no assurance that the investments will be profitable or that other investments made in the future will have similar characteristics or results.  Past results of investments are not necessarily indicative of future results.